Wednesday, February 21, 2018

[9Hits Traffic Bot] Manage user agents


User agents is manage by group and saved in the file config\useragents.txt. You can set usage rate by adjust the slider. Eg. on the picture bellow, desktop_win_chrome would be use the most.

User Agent Group structure
- Name
- Settings
 + Browser Size: in Pixel
 + Screen Size: in Pixel, set to zero to use default (real screen size)
 + Color/Pixel Depth, set to zero to use default (real color/pixel depth)
 + Touch: Simulate touch processor (for example: This user agent group is mobile or tablet)
 + DPR: Device pixel ratio: Normally use on mobile user agent. Example value: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5. set to zero to use default.
- User Agents: List of user agent string, one per line.

Don't forget to press Save button when you done  !

You may wanna looking for new user agents here or any source on internet

Go to overview page


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